Easy housekeeping tips to get your home ready for a quick sale

Easy housekeeping tips to get your home ready for a quick sale

While studying and learning all about feng shui might sound tempting when staging your home for sale, there are much easier ways to do a bit of simple housekeeping so that your house or condo entices buyers from the moment they walk in.

Here are some tips and hacks that don’t involve knocking out walls or retiling your tub surround!


Make it spotless

A properly cleaned home feels dramatically different than an unkempt property. It looks better, smells better, and immediately seems more well-maintained.

So whether you choose to hire a professional service or to put in a little elbow grease yourself, get your home thoroughly vacuumed, make sure glass services are fingerprint-free, clean the mildew around the bathtub, and don’t forget about the places you wouldn’t normally clean — baseboards, doorknobs, venetian blinds (they get dusty!), and all the little nooks and crannies that can collect dust.


Brighten up the place

Maximize your home’s natural light by ensuring all blinds are open or pulled up for showings. Move or remove any furniture that may be partially blocking windows, and clean your windows.

It’s amazing what an inside and outside wash of your windows will do to naturally brighten up your home.


Leverage your floor space

You want your home to feel as large as possible so that potential buyers truly feel the square footage and can start to visualize all of their furniture in place.

Declutter your living spaces, even if that means moving some furniture to a storage facility. Simply pick up belongings that don’t need to be on the floor, take objects off of nightstands and tables, and ensure chairs are pushed in under tables where possible


Make that stainless steel sparkle

Stainless steel appliances are some of the most attractive pieces in any kitchen. If you have them in your home, be sure to give them a wipedown with special stainless steel wipes or warm water and mild dish detergent (rinse afterward).

Your sinks should also be rust- and lime-free (and dish-free!) so that your cooking space absolutely sparkles. They say “a great kitchen sells a home,” and while that may not always be true, a clean kitchen can make all the difference.


Make the minor repairs you’ve put off

Maybe you’ve always lived with that bedroom door knob that won’t lock because it’s “always been like that.” Or maybe you haven’t bothered to put that handle on the kitchen drawer because it’s easy enough to pull it out by the bottom.

Take care of those little things that you’ve been putting off. The less work potential buyers see in your home, the better your chances of receiving an offer. And a home that simply “works” in all its facets is a very desirable one indeed.


Make your kitchen sing

As mentioned, kitchens play an integral role in the overall feel of your home. Take the time to make yours spotless and make sure your countertops are totally bare if possible or nicely staged if not.

You want potential buyers to be able to envision their own stuff in your home, so put your kettle in a cupboard (maybe they’re not tea drinkers!), put the toaster away, and make sure the inside of your microwave shines like the day it was made.


Let’s stage your home together!

For more tips on staging and to talk about selling your home, call or text Gino Cipriano today at 204-955-5853. His years of expertise can help you have your home in tip-top shape and ready for as quick a sale as possible!

